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Debunking Myths with Facts about LASIK Eye Surgery
Debunking Myths with Facts about LASIK Eye Surgery

As of today, LASIK Eye surgery remains one of the safest medical procedures anyone can undertake for their body. It can also change one’s life for the better because it brings a permanent solution. The procedure involves reshaping the eye’s cornea to influence the refraction of the light that falls on it. LASIK eye surgery deals with eye problems such as hyperopia, myopia, and astigmatism.

By the way, hyperopia is the condition known as farsightedness, where the patient can only see distant objects. In myopia, also known as myopia, the patients can only see near objects. As for astigmatism, the patient experiences a blurry vision of things at all distances. But when you undergo the eye surgery lasik, you can be free from any inconvenience due to blurry vision with the hassle of wearing glasses or contact lenses. That is true freedom.

Related: 4 Vital Solutions to Anxiety before your LASIK Eye Surgery

The fact that we talk about LASIK this way does not remove the questions people may have. So, it is customary to have still questions or concerns about the process, preparation, and results. That is why we are here to remove any doubts or demystify some of the false beliefs you may true. We will not just confront and disprove them using scientific and experiential facts.

Debunking Myths with Facts about LASIK Eye Surgery

5 Myths about the LASIK Procedure

Myth 1: LASIK Eye Surgery is very painful

It is funny how people have come to believe this myth over time. But the sincere person who has undergone the process can only talk about a few discomforts here and there, which are simply average. When the body requires a medical procedure, we must respect that it is not a natural process and may bring some little discomfort. Again, before any design can be approved, it must effectively reduce any pain patients may experience. It is also true of LASIK. 

Therefore, the straight answer is that when undergoing LASIK eye surgery, the worst you may experience is slight discomfort due to the subtle pressure applied to the eyes during the surgery. But the procedure is entirely painless, and many patients have reported minimal discomfort during the surgery. 

At the same time, the process requires that some drops o numbing drug be applied to your eyes to limit any discomfort. In addition to the numbing drops, you may also be given some mild sedatives to avoid disturbance during the procedure. Ativan is used to calm your nerves. LASIK eye surgery is a rapid procedure that can be completed in under 10 minutes. The actual laser process only lasts for about a minute for each eye.

Myth 2: Not suitable for most people

Another myth people have about LASIK eye surgery is that they assume it is not suitable for everyone. This statement believes that the person in question may not be eligible for LASIK eye surgery. Some of the common factors include age or state of health. But any patient between 18 and 65 is generally suitable as a candidate for LASIK eye surgery. Even if you fall outside this range, you may consider alternative procedures to LASIK. In addition, it is possible to be ineligible for LASIK eye surgery due to other factors. 

Myth 3: Unknown long-term effects

This myth is entirely false because the technology behind LASIK eye surgery has existed for several decades. As a result, it goes through many changes until the one we have now, which is the best. Also, it has been one of the most popular medical procedures since its first application in the 1990s. It also comes with very low proven risks to give the best results. 

Many research studies have shown that LASIK has a shallow risk. For instance, a report indicates that there is less than a 0.01 chance that you will contract the bacterial infection by using contact lenses. Meanwhile, the risk of inflammation after undergoing LASIK eye surgery is 1 in every 1500 cases. Comparing the two statistics, we can conclude that patients who use contact lenses are 500 times more likely to breed an infection than those who take on LASIK eye surgery.

Debunking Myths with Facts about LASIK Eye Surgery

Myth 4: LASIK eye surgery can cause blindness

There is nearly zero chance that a patient who undergoes LASIK eye surgery with us will go blind. We have never had such a report in our years of operation. In addition, the rate at which anyone who undergoes LASIK with use will get an infection is far lesser than the expected rate. This result also shows that we are professionals at what we do. Moreover, we thoroughly examine the patient’s condition before starting the procedure to remove any associated risk. 

Myth 5: LASIK is expensive 

When you think of LASIK eye surgery in terms of the value you get in the long run, you will agree it is a worthy investment. The vision correction through the use of laser technology ensures a permanent solution to whatever your eye defect is. At the same time, when you estimate the cost of alternatives, including eyeglasses and contact lenses, you will see that LASIK eye surgery saves you much money.

Furthermore, it can also eliminate or reduce a patient’s dependency on eyeglasses and contact lenses. After a successful LASIK eye surgery, you will spend less on sunglasses, contact refills, and lenses. Before you even start the LASIK procedure, you can estimate the cost discrepancy on the possible amount of money you can save. A good vision isn’t a luxury but a basic necessity of life, and we do our best to make it happen. 


Other myths about the LASIK eye procedure are untrue, such as believing the recovery process is slow or painful. Another one is that the results of LASIK do not last. These myths are not true, and the experiences of past patients with LASIK eye surgery already debunk these myths. Today, LASIK eye surgery is the surest and most effective procedure in correcting different eye defects for the rest of one’s life.  

4 Vital Solutions to Anxiety before your LASIK Eye Surgery
4 Vital Solutions to Anxiety before your LASIK Eye Surgery

Before patients finally decide to go for LASIK surgery, there is often some anxiety. Whereas in other cases, tension grows as the scheduled day for the surgery approaches. However, the LASIK eye procedure is one of the safest elective medical procedures anyone can undergo. It is also one of the fastest medical procedures as it takes about 10 minutes to complete the entire process for the two eyes. 

Fixing the eye cornea using laser technology takes less than 1 minute for each eye. When the patients learn about the simplicity of the surgery, they can begin to think of it as less dramatic or complicated. It may be surprising to hear the best ways to manage any anxiety you may have before the procedure to get the best results. As a safe procedure, you can further share your confidence in the expertise of our medical professionals.

It is usual for any patient to feel a little anxious or nervous before lasik eye surgery. But what is important are the tips and strategies to help overcome such anxiety or edgy nerve before the medical procedure. 

  1. List out your fears and questions 

Anxieties grow from unanswered questions. So, the first way to tackle such concerns is to find answers to the questions that cause them in the first place. Many times, without the right person to ask the questions, one may keep hiding them, and it can lead to an unwanted ending. Therefore, you may need to direct the questions to the right people to allay your fears and get satisfactory answers. Meanwhile, it would help if you were deliberate about this search for answers.

Related: Is LASIK permanent?

4 Vital Solutions to Anxiety before your LASIK Eye Surgery

The first step in answering your questions is also to write them down. We cannot overemphasize the need to write things down and not hope to remember them when we have to. Moreover, when you are ready to ask the doctors those questions, it will be easy to begin to state them one after the other when you have written them down. You have to bring the list along with you to any of your consultation or pre-operative appointment.

On this note, our team of medical experts will be glad to take you through all these questions and explain each answer. Understanding the procedure details is vital to becoming more confident and comfortable. On the other hand, if you forget any required items at home before your procedure, let us know about it. In addition to the questions and method of asking, you 

can send us an email or place a phone call to ask. 

  1. Read about how best to prepare for the LASIK surgery

Generally, in life, the more prepared you are about a process, the better result you can get from it. As a result of the preparation, you can also get more control over how you feel. It is also a means of encouraging all the patients when you get as much information as you can about LASIK eye surgery. Many articles online discuss LASIK surgery, how to prepare ahead of the process, and what everyone’s roles are. 

In search of information, ensure you get information from professionals, not just anywhere. We have a lot of articles on our site and other materials that can help you prepare for the LASIK eye procedure. When you need to prepare for your first appointment, you may want to review some of the relevant items on our site. You can also find out what you need to do during and after the surgery apart from your preparatory steps.

4 Vital Solutions to Anxiety before your LASIK Eye Surgery
  1. Practice your deep breathing

Controlling your breath is another way to get confident before your LASIK surgery appointment. Deep breathing helps you to relieve any stress that may be associated with the preparatory steps and also what your heartbeat will be like. Research showed that when we are anxious or stressed =, we experience breaths that are more shallow than usual. As a result, it may affect the flow of oxygen and carbon dioxide and their exchange, which can lead to 

  • Increased heartbeat
  • Dizziness
  • Panic attacks
  • Muscle tension

On the other hand, deep breathing, or what we call diaphragmatic breathing, can help to enhance the control of our tension or anxiety. A better-controlled breath also helps to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. You can have a better heartbeat rate, blood flow, and other body organs. Also, you get to be more comfortable when you breathe deeper, meaning you will begin to feel better and more comfortable.

If you still feel overwhelmed by the upcoming process, you may want to do some deep breathing exercises. Breathing is a great way to relieve your stress and get the best way to prepare ahead of LASIK eye surgery. 

  1. Distract Yourself

When you get too absorbed in your anxiety, it is time to take your mind off it as much as possible. A good and healthy distraction can be a good idea to alleviate any stress you may have. When you take your mind off LASIK surgery, you can channel your energy into other things that are more fearful or anxiety-driven. Sometimes, the patient may need to sit down and strategically plan for alternative distractions.

For example, create a comprehensive list of some activities that can naturally excite you. Engaging in any of these other activities tends to boost your mood and allow you to enjoy the moment to the fullest. When you notice such activity, try to spend more time on it towards your appointment date. Mainly, when you start to feel anxious about the LASIK eye surgery, you can pick up these activities as a distraction.


LASIK eye surgery is a medical procedure that should help a patient to reshape the cornea and correct their vision. At this point, you should not be stressed about the process because these solutions above can relieve you of any fear or anxiety in preparation for the procedure. If you have any more questions, you can contact us, and we will be glad to give you all the answers you may need. 

Handy LASIK tips you’ll need
Handy LASIK tips you’ll need

It has always been necessary to rely on alternative corrective procedures, such as wearing prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses, in the past and in the present. These treatments are successful, but they are also expensive and time-consuming, and they are also fragile in the long term, necessitating the user to make a number of sacrifices.

Opthalmology (laser eye surgery), also known as LASIK (laser in-situ keratomileusis), is a very successful and popular operation that is used to repair vision abnormalities such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. Eye surgery lasik is a type of laser surgery that uses a laser to address vision disorders (cylinder power). It is changing the way we perceive the world since it allows us to see without the use of spectacles. Click here to get more about laisk.

Despite the fact that lasers have some constraints, such as the need that the user be older than 18 years, to attain outstanding outcomes, you must be in excellent medical condition. Your refractive error, as well as other variables, will influence your outcomes. With refractive LASIK, those who have mild nearsightedness with or without astigmatism (cylinder power) are more likely to have a positive outcome than others.

Handy LASIK tips you’ll need

What is the surgery’s procedure?

There are two types of LASIK that are commercially accessible. PRK and LASIK are two different procedures; PRK is an earlier variant, whilst LASIK was created later. The shape of the Cornea is primarily responsible for all flaws in the refractive power of the eye. A cold beam of ultraviolet light with a certain wavelength (usually 193 nanometers) is produced by the excimer laser during LASIK, allowing the corneal tissue to be precisely remodulated.

In order for light rays to concentrate properly on to the retina for clear vision, the surface of the cornea must be altered in order for this to happen effectively. By flattening the cornea, lasers can cure nearsightedness, whereas lasers can repair farsightedness by making the cornea steeper. In addition, because LASIK is so precise, it guarantees that the adjustments are completed accurately and in a sterile environment, therefore reducing the danger of infection.

Lasers are equipped with eye trackers, which aid in the appropriate concentrating of laser light on the center of the cornea and the visual axis, resulting in a superior outcome. Despite the fact that the laser accomplishes most of the work in less than a minute, the laser surgery technique itself takes less than 10 minutes each eye. It usually takes a week to a few weeks for total vision stabilization to occur, however your vision should be substantially normal within a day or two of treatment.

Is having LASIK a painful procedure?

When it comes to any type of surgery, individuals are extremely concerned about the pain they may experience. When it comes to our eyes, our dread multiplies by a factor of ten. The good news is that LASIK is completely painless. Anesthesia eye drops will be inserted into both of your eyes by your surgeon just before to the start of your LASIK. Despite the fact that you may still feel a little pressure throughout the treatment, you will not experience any discomfort.

The fact is that some little pain, like as soreness and a scratchy feeling, is to be expected following your LASIK or PRK LASIK procedure. After that, the cornea will be allowed time to recover on its own. It is possible that you could have some discomfort throughout the healing process, but this will pass fast.

Following the treatment, your eyes may feel itchy, have a burning feeling, or you may have the sense that something is stuck in your eye. A protective barrier is provided to prevent you from mistakenly scratching your eyes or rubbing them unintentionally.

If you are feeling significant discomfort, you should get medical attention as soon as possible.

Complications that might arise and cause discomfort

LASIK, like any surgical procedure, has the possibility of complications. Pain can be significant in some cases, such as when an infection occurs or when a corneal flap becomes dislodged.

If you are feeling significant discomfort, you should get medical attention as soon as possible.

Avoid rubbing your eyes for approximately 1 week following your LASIK and follow the rest of your doctor’s post-operative recommendations to avoid issues.

Handy LASIK tips you’ll need

Is it possible to be put entirely under anesthesia for LASIK?

The vast majority of patients who have LASIK remain conscious during the treatment. The entire procedure is generally completed in less than 30 minutes.

The actual laser operation takes less than a minute per eye and is generally completed in one sitting. According to a scientific review published in 2016, the improved SMILE treatment only takes roughly 25 seconds each eye to complete. Source that can be trusted.

Surgeons prefer anesthetic eye drops to general anesthesia, which puts you to sleep, because they are less painful.

According to the American Society of Anesthesiologists, general anesthesia is associated with hazards and would raise the cost of the procedure by a significant amount.

It is possible that general anesthesia will produce certain potentially life-threatening adverse effects, but this is rare. One such side effect is malignant hyperthermia, which is characterized by a temperature and muscular spasms.

It’s possible that you’ll be prescribed a sedative, such as valium, to help you relax if you’re feeling apprehensive before your operation.

Post-surgery eye care guidelines are recommended.

After your LASIK, it is critical that you adhere to your doctor’s instructions. Following your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions provides you the best chance of preventing problems.

Once you’re done with your operation, there are several things you should and shouldn’t do.


In accordance with the FDA-trusted Source, you should make an appointment with your doctor 24 to 48 hours following your treatment and at regular intervals for the first six months.

• Consult your doctor promptly if you are experiencing extreme discomfort or if your vision is deteriorating rather than improving.

  • When sleeping the first several nights, make sure to use your protective eye protection.
  • Follow your doctor’s instructions for using your eye drops.
  • Get as much sleep as you possibly can.
  • Protect your eyes by using safety goggles in dusty conditions.
  • Protect your eyes with sunglasses.


  • Do not rub your eyes after undergoing the treatment.
  • Don’t drive at night for at least a month following your procedure.
  • Participate in contact sports until your doctor gives you the green light. Sporting activities that are physically demanding, such as boxing or football, should be avoided for at least a month.
  • After surgery, you should refrain from using lotions, creams, or cosmetics for at least 2 weeks or until you have received approval from your doctor.
  • For one to two months, go swimming or soak in a hot tub or whirlpool.
  • Spend extended periods of time in dusty or smoking areas.
Stay calm with these LASIK tips
Stay calm with these LASIK tips

LASIK surgery’s popularity has never been greater. Laser eye surgery has grown more accessible, safe, and successful as a result of technological advancements.

You may even know someone who has had laser eye surgery. Maybe you’ve considered it yourself.

Any operation, even one as small as lasik eye surgery, may be frightening. You may be hesitant to get lasik eye surgery.

There are, however, ways to alleviate your anxieties and ensure that you go into LASIK eye surgery feeling at ease, calm, and in command. Continue reading for four relaxation strategies before to LASIK!

1. Discuss your concerns with your doctor in an open and honest manner.

The first and most critical step in overcoming anxiety is education. Knowing what to expect may be quite beneficial to your mental health.

As a consequence, meet with your doctor well ahead of time to address any concerns or questions you may have about LASIK. Your doctor should be able to provide you specific information on what to expect. It’s lot simpler to feel confident with LASIK once the unknowns are gone! Learn more about things you should know about rapid antigens tests.

Keep in mind that, although LASIK does include the use of a laser, it is a completely painless operation. You will remain conscious, but the numbing eye drops will totally numb your eyes.

Injections are not required! Certain physicians will even prescribe anti-anxiety medicine to their patients.

This is an excellent method for supporting them in de-stressing. If you’re worried about the procedure, ask your surgeon what he or she can do to assist.

2. Use Deep Breathing Techniques to Experiment

In a variety of scenarios, deep breathing is an effective stress-reduction technique. However, before using it on the day of your LASIK procedure, you should be acquainted with it.

Maintaining a steady pace of intake and exhale is the most crucial part of deep breathing. Excessive rapid breathing might lead to hyperventilation, which is the complete opposite of what you desire.

Consider putting down some practice. Then, when you inhale, hold your breath, and exhale, count the seconds.

There are videos online that demonstrate a variety of breathing techniques for relaxation. To assist you in preparing for your surgery, try a few alternative ways.

3. Listening to Music

As the day of your treatment approaches, it may be difficult to maintain your composure. While in the waiting room and during surgical preparation on the day of the procedure, you may opt to prepare some self-calming strategies.

You may distract your focus by listening to music in addition to practicing deep breathing. During the process, your doctor may even enable you to listen to music. Make sure you discuss it with them ahead of time!

Stay calm with these LASIK tips

4. Enlist the Help of a Friend

Having a companion is a terrific method to divert your attention while also providing a shoulder to rest on. You’ll need to get yourself to and from your LASIK eye surgery.

After all, you are not permitted to drive yourself home after treatment! It’s a good idea to invite a close friend or family member.

They may wait in the lobby for you and assist you in relaxing before your treatment. They’ll be there to assist you in de-stressing after the event.

Laser eye surgery does not have to be a frightening experience. The operation is much less difficult than most people believe. All you have to do now is relax your thoughts!

After Lasik Surgery, How Should You Look After Your Eyes?

Please keep in mind that the care you get after your LASIK is just as vital as the procedure itself. You must schedule your first post-operative appointment with our Sydney office within 24 hours following your surgery.

Following surgery, you should continue to take your eye prescriptions. Every even hour (12 p.m., 2 p.m., 4 p.m., etc.) take your antibiotic eye medicine, and every odd hour take your steroid eye medicine (1pm, 3pm, 5pm, etc.). For the next six weeks following your treatment, don’t rub your eyes. Please contact your doctor if your eyes itch so that anti-itch medicine may be prescribed.

The day following surgery, you may shower but keep your eyelids closed. For a week, no water should be sprayed directly into your eyes, and no soap or shampoo should be used in them. Swimming in any body of water (including pools, Jacuzzis, hot tubs, oceans, rivers, and lakes) should be avoided for at least two weeks, and scuba diving should be avoided for three weeks.

Stay calm with these LASIK tips

During the first four weeks, use sunglasses to protect your eyes from wind and dust. If you sleep on your back or side, use your eye shield for at least one week, and two weeks if you sleep on your stomach. This will make it easier for you to sleep without rubbing your eyes. While little exercise is OK, intense exercise should be avoided for at least five days. After the procedure, you should refrain from using mascara for a week. On the other hand, using eye shadow and other cosmetics is permitted.

After you’ve had your procedure, you’ll need to recover.

Following LASIK, we recommend heading home and relaxing. This will allow your eyes to heal and allow you to sleep through the most painful stage of your recovery. You should anticipate your eyes to be inflamed and sensitive to light after surgery. Extreme burning, stinging, and weeping, as well as the sense that something is lodged in your eye, are all possible side effects. Within 24 hours, these symptoms are generally gone. Meanwhile, refrain from rubbing your eyes. Take an over-the-counter pain medication like Tylenol or Advil if you’re in a lot of discomfort.

Additionally, keep the following factors in mind while you recover:

  • Blink your eyes multiple times per minute for the first two hours (without squeezing hard). The cornea will be smoothed out as a result of this.
  • Avoid alcohol, coffee, and chocolate to avoid dehydration. Throughout the day, drink lots of water.
  • Put on the sunglasses that the Benjamin Eye Institute has provided. The majority of other categories are insufficiently protected (rated UV 400 or better).
  • It’s OK to watch television. However, avoid from reading or using the computer for one day.

·Follow the eye prescription regimen that your doctor has prescribed for you.

• At night, use your eye shields or specialized goggles. Apply the shields to your eyes using the adhesive.

Think you know all about LASIK
Think you know all about lasik eye

In certain circles, laser eye surgery, often known as lasik eye surgery, may be used to correct a range of visual disorders. However, there are certain hazards involved with the procedure, and not everyone is a good candidate. Furthermore, depending on where a person lives, the surgery may be rather costly.

The cornea is the eye’s protective outer layer that shields it from the elements. Astigmatism and myopia are two disorders in which the shape of the cornea changes, causing visual issues in certain people. This layer is altered by laser energy during lasik eye surgery.

The manner LASIK reshapes the cornea is governed by the vision impairment that the technique is meant to correct. A range of vision issues, including nearsightedness and farsightedness, may be treated by laser eye surgery.

It just takes a few minutes, and the patients remain awake during the procedure. There are no known ramifications. It’s also typically painless; if a person feels uncomfortable, it’s usually a clue that something is wrong.

This article explains what LASIK is, who it can help, how much it costs, how long it takes to finish, how long it takes to recover, and if there are any short- or long-term risks associated with it.

Think you know all about LASIK

How does laser eye surgery operate and what are the benefits? (PRK or LASIK)

LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) is the most often performed refractive laser eye surgery method. According to Trusted Source, LASIK surgery was first patented in 1989 and has since evolved to become the most common treatment for refractive eye issues. Lasers are utilized to sculpt the cornea during the procedure.

Who could it be able to help?

Over 150 million Americans are expected to need corrective eyeglasses to compensate for refractive errors. The American Academy of Ophthalmology provided this figure.

A refractive error occurs when the eye fails to bend — or refract — light in order for it to properly focus on the retina at the rear of the eye. The shape of the corneal surface is the most common reason.


In the medical world, farsightedness is referred as hyperopia. People with this sickness may be able to see things in the distance, but when they are near to them, other objects may seem fuzzy. The cornea’s curvature is too flat, causing it to be too thin, resulting in farsightedness. Laser eye surgery, which may correct this issue, can create a steeper curvature in the cornea.


Nearsightedness, often known as myopia or short-sightedness, is a vision disorder in which a person can see objects that are near to them clearly. On the other hand, distant things may seem hazy. This is caused to an overly steep corneal curvature, which produces the issue. Healthcare providers may cure this issue by reshaping the cornea using LASIK.


The presence of an unevenly shaped pupil in the eyes of persons who suffer from astigmatism is a symptom of the condition. The eye of someone who does not have the condition is spherical, like a soccer ball, while the eye of someone who does has the disease may take on a football-like shape. In certain cases, laser eye surgery may rectify the aberrant curvature of the cornea, however this is not always possible.

Think you know all about LASIK

Who isn’t qualified for this position?

Individuals that aren’t suitable:

  • are in their 20s or younger, although some experts recommend not being under the age of 18 years 
  • have thin corneas, which may be unstable following LASIK 
  • are pregnant or nursing 
  • have had a change in their eye prescription in the last 12 months • are taking medications that may cause vision changes 
  • are in their 20s or younger, although some experts recommend not being under the age of 18 years


The most notable benefit of LASIK is that it eliminates the need for corrective eyeglasses for the great majority of patients. People may choose to have the procedure for a number of reasons, including the following:

  • being unable to use contact lenses but preferring not to wear glasses for aesthetic reasons; wishing to engage in activities that require a person to not wear glasses or contact lenses, such as sports; 
  • being able to save time by not having to wear corrective lenses.

Complications are a risk with every surgical operation, and they include:

Dry eyes: Up to 95% of people who undergo LASIK get dry eyes as a result of the procedure, which is characterized by reduced tear production. The use of lubricating eye drops may help to reduce this sensation.

In as many as 20% of patients who undergo LASIK, visual abnormalities such as glare, halo, or increased sensitivity to light might occur.

Double or blurred vision: Up to one in fifty people may have blurriness and the sense of something being in their eyes. It’s probable that diffuse lamellar keratitis, often known as “sands of Sahara” keratitis, is to blame.

Other challenges that a person may face include the following:

  • problems with the corneal flap as a consequence of an infection in the eye
  • bloodshot or crimson-colored whites of the eyes

The majority of symptoms should go away within the first few days, so anybody who is still experiencing them beyond that time should seek medical help.

During the Surgical Procedure, What Should You Expect?

LASIK is usually finished in less than 30 minutes, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

It’s a reliable source. According to some estimations, the procedure will take around 5 minutes each eye.

Patients can anticipate the following adverse effects after LASIK:

  • Patients will sit in a chair and recline so that they are flat on their backs underneath a laser device and a computer screen throughout the operation.
  • After the surgical team has cleansed the area around the eye, a numbing drop will be injected in the eye.
  • During the surgery, surgeons will use a lid speculum, which is a medical instrument, to hold the eyelids open.
  • A laser will be used to produce a flap in the cornea, which the surgeon will then pull open.
  • During the laser’s operation, people will be asked to stare at a light in order to keep their eyes still.
  • Following that, the laser will restructure the cornea’s surface.
  • The flap will then be reinserted into its original position before an eye cover is applied for protection.